What is this?
Electrical installations, like everything else, deteriorate with age and therefore need routine, regular checking. This is typically called ‘periodic inspection and testing’. The end result is an Electrical Inspection Condition Report, which will describe the condition of your electrical installation and flag-up any action you need to take. We are inspectors, not electrical contractors, so you can be confident that any repairs we recommend are genuinely needed – and not because we are looking for repair work!
Typical problems we might highlight include: insufficient earthing, shock risks and fire hazards, overload dangers and any defective wiring or equipment

How can this help me?
How often Do I do this?
According to the HSE website, you should test ‘often enough that there is little chance of deterioration leading to danger’. This is further detailed on the Electrical Safety First website, which suggests:
10 years for an owner-occupied home
5 years for a rented home
3 years for a caravan
1 year for a swimming pool
when a property is being prepared for letting
before selling a property or buying a previously-occupied property
For commercial and industrial premises, periods vary with the type of industry and risk factor, but 1-5 years is the usual recommendation – unless your insurer specifies otherwise.
What do I do next
Simple, pick up the phone, or drop us an email, and we will arrange your site visit, give you some costs and timescales, and leave the rest up to you.